Contact us if…
- You want to know about getting involved in ongoing WU PAARC studies or other Washington University studies
- You have an idea for a study or quality improvement project
- You have useful information to share with other WU PAARC participants
Contact us for…
- Consultations about community-based patient recruitment (pediatric and adult)
- Aid during the planning process of your study. WU PAARC can assist with recruitment of pediatric patients from the community
- Consultations about the formation of practice-based research networks
Initial consultations are fully subsidized for ICTS members.
If you are interested in working with WU PAARC and desire our assistance, please complete this consultation form.
WU PAARC Network Coordinator
Sherry Dodd
U.S. mail
Department of Pediatrics
Campus Box 8116
660 S. Euclid Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63130